i'm wondering if anyone knows what's going on with this mod. BE says it's outdated. i saw someone comment that it hadn't been updated in a while. the file is not included or mentioned in kiarasims4 and midnitetech's careers. do i still need this file?
The Sims 4 has given a new dimension to its gameplay. The introduction of the career mod has not only enabled players to pursue their desired careers and live their dreams but also make the gameplay more realistic. Inspired by real-life comedians, the comedian career mod allows players to make their sims the next big thing in comedy. Whether they want to be a professional comedian, famous social media influencer, or amateur street performer, it is up to them. It is often assumed that being a comedian is one of the hardest jobs out there because they need confidence, wit, and comedy skills on top of being talented at making people laugh. Jokes will be told at random when your sim is using the microphone in any venue. Feel free to download this one from this page.
Neia Careers Commons Sims 4