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Photoshop CS5 DDS Plugin Download: Support for BC1 - BC7 and ASTC Texture Compression Formats


Intel has extended Photoshop* to take advantage of the latest image compression methods (BCn/DXT) via plugin. The purpose of this plugin is to provide a tool for artists to access superior compression results at optimized compression speeds within Photoshop*.

This is the support section of the TinyPNG and TinyJPG Photoshopplugin with installation instructions, additional help and tips &tricks. You can also always downloadyour plugin, license andinvoice again.

photoshop cs5 dds plugin download

Installing the plugin on macOS ispretty straightforward. The download page offers you two files. Onefile contains the plugin and the other file your license. You willneed to copy both files to your Photoshop plugin folder as shownbelow.

Open a second Finder window and browse to your Downloads folder. Selectboth TinyPNG-JPG.license andTinyPNG-JPG.plugin and drag these two files to thePlug-ins folder.

Use Explorer to copy the TinyPNG-JPG.license file from thedownload folder to your Photoshop plugin folder. The plugin folder isusually located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop ...\Plug-ins.

You can use Photoshop scripting to control theplugin with JavaScript, VBScript or AppleScript. This is veryhandy for manipulating images. Using this techniquewe have created example scriptsthat compress JPEG and PNG files and an example that exportsLayer Comps to optimised images. You candownload the scriptsand copy them into your Scripts folder in Photoshop. New menuitems will appear under File > Automate and underFile > Scripts after copying the scripts to Photoshop.

The plugin supports batch automation. First youwill need to create a Photoshop action that uses the plugin.When creating the action make sure to leave the suggested filename unchanged. You can then choose File > Automate >Batch.... In the dialog window that now appears you canselect the newly created action from the drop-down. UnderSource you can select the folder with all the imagesyou want to compress. The Destination needs to be setto None, because the plugin saves the JPEG and PNGfiles to its own folder. You can change this folder in theactions panel. Double click on it to select a differentdestination.

The plugin supports RGB, CMYK, lab andgrayscale images. There are some image formats theplugin does not support. These are multichannel, duotone andindexed image files. The TinyPNG and TinyJPG menu option will begrayed out for these images. If you wish to export these imageformats with the plugin, you can first select Image > Mode >RGB Color and the TinyPNG and TinyJPG menu option will beactive again.

The Export menu can be greyed out. Tofix this you will need to change the color mode of the image byselecting Image > Mode > RGB Color and Image > Mode> 8-Bits/Channel. After making these changes you should beable to export the image with the plugin.

Optimising JPEG images with the plugin canresult in slightly bigger output than with theweb service and API. The reason this may happen is that inPhotoshop only the raw image data is available,whereas the web service and the API also know the previous JPEGcompression level.

You can obtain additional licenses with the sameemail address. Just purchase them one after another on the plugin page. All the plugins will be shownon your download page together with the date of purchase.

The Mac plugin is compatible with OS X10.9 (Mavericks), OS X 10.10 (Yosemite),OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), macOS 10.12 (Sierra),macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.14 (Mojave),macOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 11 (Big Sur) and macOS 12 (Monterey).If you are unsure which version of macOSyou are running, you can easily find this out. Click on the Apple iconat the top left of your screen and choose About This Mac. Adialog will appear with the macOS version number in the middle. If youare using Photoshop CS5, make sure yourun CS5 in 64 bitwhich is the default.

The Windows plugin is compatible with 32 and 64 bitversions of Photoshop. It supports Windows 7, Windows 8,Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. If you are unsure which version ofWindows you are using you can right-click on Computer andthen on Properties. The dialog that appears will tell theversion of Windows you have installed.

The reseller price for the Photoshop plugin is the same as the pricefor regular customers. There are no special reseller discounts,preferred supplier arrangements or exclusive reseller contracts.Best-effort support is included in the price of the plugin and thereare no mandatory maintenance costs. Customers and resellers havemoney back guarantee if the product is unsatisfactory. There are nodiscount offers, but occasionally we give away a discount when acompany buys many plugins at once. For example, if a reseller orders20 plugins, we may give away 1 or 2 plugins for free.

Alternatively we can manually process the order without using theorder form. The reseller will need to send their purchase orderincluding number of plugins, operating system, end-user name,end-user email address, credit card number, credit card expiry dateand CVC number. We can then process the credit card payment onbehalf of the reseller.

The end user will be granted download access on thePhotoshop dashboard. Here they candownload the software and license. It also shows the installationinstructions and allows downloading minor software updates infuture. The software can be mailed directly in case end users havedifficulty in accessing the dashboard.

Just found this DDS export plugin for photoshop on Macs. This has been a bit of a problem for us Mac users since the Nvidia plugin is windows only. This nice fellow here decided to make an open source version

Aside from web browsers, another software that benefits from plugins is Adobe Photoshop. Plugins are separate files that interact with Adobe Photoshop to increase its functionality and introduce new features. In Adobe Photoshop, plugins range from filter and patterns, to brush and pen styles. Sometimes, plugins will have their own installers and will give instructions, but when a plugin does not provide an installer or instructions, you might be confused on what to do. However, it's actually not so complicated.

If you are an Adobe Photoshop user using Photoshop 2017 or newer, Gigapixel AI should automatically install into Photoshop as a plugin under File > Automate. This article explains various ways to install the Adobe Photoshop plugin for Gigapixel AI if needed.

Gigapixel AI's Photoshop plugin should automatically install to Photoshop's Filter menu on compatible Mac and Windows devices. If it doesn't, the following instructions may be applicable to different users: Special Notes About M1/Apple Silicon Devices Manually Install Gigapixel AI As A Photoshop Plugin On Mac Manually Install Gigapixel AI As A Photoshop Plugin On Windows

Paste the copied folder in the Photoshop plugins location for your Photoshop installation. To do this, open File Explorer and navigate to your appropriate Photoshop plugins folder. It will either be for Photoshop CC or the version-specific folders (Photoshop 2020, Photoshop 2021, etc).

Interesting! I uninstalled the newer version of the texture tools and installed the legacy tools that I just downloaded, and nothing is showing up in the save options in Ps. Is there more to this than letting the wizard do the install?

I did a search of my PC and never found the dds64.8bi file that needed to be in the plugins folder, but I did find that file in an adobe creative cloud folder. I moved it to where it needed to be and now I have the legacy option to save a dds file in Ps. Seems to be working fine now. Thanks for your help with this!!

Bad news: I ended up going to Photoshop CS5 and the NVidia DDS plugin to achieve these results. The save options I chose in photoshop were " ARGB 32bpp" which I believe means an RGB file with an alpha channel and 8 bits per channel for a total of 32bits per pixel.

Yeah, I stopped upgrading photoshop at version CS5 because of the incredible prices. I think you can use CC as a free trial for 30 days (each time a new version is released I assume) if that interests you.

Here's likely a silly question, but reading through the last 2 or 3 pages of posts is only leaving me more confused. Is the download link in the original post still the one to use? Or is there a more up-to-date version available elsewhere?

Not a silly question at all. The download link in the original post is still the main one to use, although a few of those maps are slightly out of date. The original poster hasn't been around in 6 months or so, so a few other people and I have attempted to update the out-of-date maps as best we could. There was a slight flaw in these maps, and the last few pages have been a flurry of activity trying to identify and fix the flaw. A fix was found, and if you'd like the updated maps, they are available at this link.

I downloaded a hex editor and took a look under the hood of some of the DDS files. Between that and the DDS programming guide, I got a clearer picture of what and where the DDS header was. It occurred to me that I had the tools (namely, the Python script I use to disassemble and re-assemble texture files) to essentially splice a 'good' DDS header onto a 'bad' DDS map file, and that worked! At that point it seemed logical that the issue must be somewhere within the 128-byte DDS header, which isn't a big place for a problem to hide. That approach felt a bit like surgery with a meat cleaver, so I kept digging hoping to find a less drastic solution. 2ff7e9595c


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